The pyramid model is a framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development.
— National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations

Pyramid Model Framework (PMF)
In Virginia, practitioners are expected to implement the Pyramid Model Framework (PMF) with children and families. The PMF promotes social-emotional competency in young children by providing strategies and supports to providers, families, and administrators. The framework builds on existing evidence-based practices and can be used across all early childhood settings.
The base of the framework is an effective workforce. All providers in Virginia will have a working knowledge of early childhood social-emotional development. They will use this knowledge with all children and families to promote nurturing and responsive relationships in high quality supportive environments. Some children and families will receive targeted social-emotional supports based upon individual need. A few children will need intensive intervention which may include referrals to outside resources.
Implementation of the PMF in Virginia contributes to healthy social-emotional development for all children. Social-emotional development is the foundation for growth in all other developmental areas.
- PMF Overview Infographic
- PMF Definition
- PMF Learning Byte
- PMF Launch Webinar | YouTube
- Post-Webinar Survey and Certificate | Constant Contact
- PMF Webinar: Expectations for LSMs
- Key Principles of the PMF
- Supporting Children, Families, and Caregivers in Virginia – Using the Pyramid Model Framework