TRAC-IT Update 2023-06-07

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.

  • Reminder: Ensuring Medicaid Enrollment and Billing – When a service coordinator completes an intake and the family declines to move forward, Medicaid can be billed for the intake if the Initial Service Coordination plan was completed. To ensure the child populates to the Medicaid enrollment report, which state staff use to enroll the child in the Medicaid-EI benefit, please make sure you complete the discharge correctly. When you select Discharge from the Intake Visit task, the intake visit information is NOT stored. If the Intake occurred, you should click COMPLETE and then discharge from the next open task. By clicking Discharge on any task, you are indicating that the event did not occur and you need to discharge. This situation is explained on page 4 in the Discharge Quick Reference Card:
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – UAT will take place later this week and next week on the full set of required fields and validations that will be implemented on December 11, 2023. Local and state users will test the new functionality to be sure it is working as intended. This step will then allow agencies that are pursuing an EHR upload to begin preparing and testing their upload files to be ready for implementation in December.