TRAC-IT Update 2023-06-23
Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:
Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.
Changes to Address Optima and Virginia Premier Merger: To address the merger transition period, the two Virginia Premier insurance options in TRAC-IT have been renamed to say Virginia Premier/Optima-VP to reflect the upcoming change. There is nothing that you need to do at this time in TRAC-IT to change over Virginia Premier insurance records to Optima. Additional details to address the final merger will be shared later in the year.
Initial Visit Changed to Intake: One the service type options in TRAC-IT was “initial visit.” After some recent conversations with users, we realized that some people were thinking “initial visit” meant the first session of an IFSP service when it was actually intended in TRAC-IT to mean the intake visit. To address this confusion, SSG has change the dropdown selection to read “Intake.” That change has been deployed. If you have selected “initial visit” for a first service session, you can correct that by editing the Contact Note and changing the service type to reflect the service provided. You can contact the Support Desk to make sure the service is then marked as timely and ask them to cancel the timeliness task if needed. We apologize for the confusion.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT on the full set of required fields and validations that will be implemented on December 11, 2023, has been completed. Local and state users executed 34 test scripts to test the new functionality to be sure it is working as intended. One bug/defect was identified, and SSG is correcting that one validation.
EHR Testing Environment Opened: The EHR File Testing and Certification environment has opened, and local agencies that indicated their intent to pursue an EHR upload into TRAC-IT may begin testing their import files.