TRAC-IT Update 2023-07-06
Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:
Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.
Referral Outcome by Referral Source Report: SSG has made a few updates to this report, and the revised version is now available in TRAC-IT.
New Pre-IFSP Discharge Reasons: In conjunction with revising the Referral Outcome by Referral Source report, two new discharge reason options have been added for children who exit before having an IFSP:
- Exit at Age 3 – Late Referral to Part C
- Eligible/Family Moved
Electronic Signature Checkbox Added: As we begin deploying some of the requested enhancements to TRAC-IT, we have added a checkbox to use when having the parent “sign” consent in TRAC-IT. The new checkbox includes the statement, “I understand that by typing my name and clicking on this box, I am electronically signing this document.”
TRAC-IT User Manual Updated: As changes and enhancements are made, the TRAC-IT User Manual is updated. Quick Reference Cards also are updated accordingly. The current versions are always available in TRAC-IT.
Summer User Education Hours: Following the first User Education Hour, SSG clarified that if you already registered for the first session you are automatically registered for subsequent sessions and do not need to re-register. There are two sessions remaining, on July 19 and August 22. If you have not registered, here is the registration link for the upcoming sessions.