TRAC-IT Update 2024-01-26

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT update and tip:

Service Coordination Attempts to Contact Family:  In last week’s TRAC-IT update, we noted that SSG would be changing the box labeled “Family Contact” to say “Family Contact/Attempted Contact” so the Service Coordination Billing Extract could account for those attempts to contact. That change has been made. When documenting an attempt to contact the family, please ensure the narrative of your contact note specifies it was an attempt.

Transition: Based on questions received by the SSG Support Desk, here are a few tips/clarifications that might be helpful to users:

  • You can enter the Important Dates for Transition without entering a Transition Plan date. If the Important Dates are the only thing you’re entering, you should not enter a Transition Plan date because the Important Dates are not part of the transition plan. This works the same way it did on the paper IFSP form.
  • Once you enter the Transition Plan date, TRAC-IT will give an error message if you click Complete without entering data in all required fields. This validation is built in to ensure compliance with Indicator 8A.
  • If you are holding the first meeting to develop the transition plan you can either:
    • Enter the Transition Plan date, fill in information for the activities that were discussed/planned and SAVE the task. You can then go back and fill in the other transition plan activities over time; OR
    • Enter the Transition Plan date and write something in all the other required fields. For those activities where you did not make specific plans with the family, you can write something to indicate you reviewed briefly and will revisit at next IFSP review meeting or not interested yet or will discuss closer to transition. Then you can click COMPLETE and use the Update Transition Plan ad hoc task to revise later.