TRAC-IT Update 2024-03-07
Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:
Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and tips:
New Filters for Provider Extract: New date filters for the provider extract will be deployed tonight. With this new feature, you will be able to run the provider extract by certification date, certification expiration date or license expiration date.
Desktop Authenticator App: SSG has released a new Quick Reference Card for use of a desktop authenticator app for TRAC-IT. As of 3/19, Authy will no longer support their desktop authenticator. Users can continue to use the Authy app on their personal devices, but the desktop version will no longer be available.
Medicaid FFS EMR/DIA: If a child’s Medicaid is FFS EMR/DIA, this type of Medicaid only covers dialysis and emergency treatment. We cannot add the EI benefit to this coverage. If the child has private insurance, do not add an insurance record with this Medicaid as secondary coverage. If this is the child’s only insurance, please list them as uninsured because, for EI reimbursement purposes, they have no coverage. If you wish to document the coverage, we offer the following suggestions. Document the FFS EMR/DIA:
- On the family cost share;
- In a contact note; or
- Make note of this in the top section of the child’s information screen that is saved for “need to know”. Perhaps you could note: “Child has Medicaid type FFS EMR/DIA that DOES NOT cover EI services.”