TRAC-IT Update 2023-12-14

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

I’m pleased to report that Phase 2 (full implementation) of TRAC-IT launched as scheduled on Monday, December 11; and there have been no reports of technical issues. The SSG Support Desk has indicated the volume of support tickets has been steady but not super high. The majority have been login questions from new users and provider agencies and questions about newly required fields.

Tip: Learning Opportunities in Service Coordination Outcome – One of the newly required fields is Learning Opportunities, which appears on each outcome. Several users have questioned what to write in this field for the service coordination outcome and why it is required for that outcome. We agree that this field should not be required for the service coordination outcome and will be working with SSG to change that. In the meantime, feel free to enter “Not applicable” or similar wording in this field.

We recognize the amount of work that has been necessary at the local level to fully implement TRAC-IT. Thank you!