TRAC-IT Update 2023-12-01

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Happy December! Thank you for all you’re doing to prepare for full implementation of TRAC-IT on December 11, 2023. Please note the following updates, tips and reminders.

Tip – Lost Medicaid Coverage: If you find a child with a Medicaid insurance record has lost Medicaid coverage, do not uncheck the enrolled in Medicaid EI benefit box.  Instead, end the Medicaid record with the date coverage was lost.  Only uncheck the Medicaid EI benefit box when the child has active Medicaid coverage but the EI benefit has dropped.

Data Dictionary:  A new data dictionary has been posted to the TRAC-IT documents section of our website. The new version reflects our decision to make five contact note fields optional that were previously required unless the contact note document itself was uploaded to TRAC-IT.  These fields are the following: clinical notes, ongoing assessment, suggestions (joint planning), family-caregiver update and participants. While these fields are optional to complete in TRAC-IT, the requirement for contact notes to include these fields has not changed. If you choose not to include those fields in TRAC-IT by either populating the fields or uploading your contact note in the document section, you must have complete contact notes that include this information in your local record.

Enhancements:  The following additional enhancements were released in TRAC-IT this week.

  • When discharging from the Schedule Appointments task, you should now receive a Discharge task where you can enter the discharge date and reason.
  • In addition to the practitioner and local system manager, Provider Agency Managers/Supervisors will now receive expiring EI certification notifications for their staff.  

December 11th Full Implementation:  The process for deploying the required fields for full implementation will begin as early as 9PM ET on Sunday 12/10 to ensure TRAC-IT is ready for use on Monday morning (12/11).

Training Recordings and Resources: As they become available, recordings, PPTs and Q&As for each November training session are being posted at TRAC-IT Webinars — Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia (
