TRAC-IT Update 2025-01-15

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

An updated TRAC-IT data dictionary has been posted to our website to reflect several changes that have been made since the previous version was released. These changes do not impact EMR required fields. The Change Log tab of the data dictionary also includes this list of changes for future reference:

  • Added a new set of ICD-10 codes
  • Added the insuranceBrandName ‘TRICARE Select’ to the Insurance Carrier value set
  • Removed the already inactive SEA Reason code “DECLINEDNOTIFICATION” (which was never active in TRAC-IT)
  • Changed the validation that a contact note must be dated on or after the Intake date to be on or after the Referral date
  • Logic Change: Accept noTPC as true and also allow a TPC date to be sent.
    • In addition, removed the error ‘TPC date should be blank when noTPC is true’
    • If the TPC date is added, then we consider a TPC to have occurred even if previously declined.
  • Logic Change: If no TPC is True, TPC Date is blank, then do not require a reason for no TPC at discharge (No data dictionary update needed)

TRAC-IT Update 2024-11-01

Local System Managers, Contract Providers and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

Overlapping Enrollment Validation – On November 15, SSG will deploy a bug fix to prevent overlapping enrollments. That is, Referral Date in subsequent enrollments cannot be on or before the Discharge Date of the most recent enrollment. Without this validation, a subsequent enrollment may not re-enroll properly, and assistance is required from the Help Desk.

Change: Add a validation to ensure the referral date is not on or before the most recent discharge date. TRAC-IT will check this in 4 places:

  • Referral/Review Referral task
  • Child Record Open task
  • Possible Duplicate Child task (if user indicates that the child entities should be merged)
  • Intake Visit task
  • EMR upload (see below)

Impact to Users: On completion of each of these four tasks, if the Referral Date in the new enrollment is on or before the previous Discharge Date, the below error is generated:

  • Most recent discharge date for this child is xx/xx/xxxx, Referral date must be after this Discharge Date

In addition, the Referral Date field will become visible in the task and the user will have the opportunity to change the date to meet the criteria of the new validation. Once the validation is met, the user can continue with the case as normal.

 For EHR Uploads: The Data Dictionary already contains the error message so this validation just enforces it. The check will be done when a new referral is sent. If the validation is not met, the response file will generate this message: 

  • The referral date cannot be on or before the discharge date of the child’s previous enrollment

Exit Assessment Validations at Discharge – The logic in TRAC-IT was updated regarding requiring an exit assessment or reason for no exit assessment in re-enrolled cases. If a child is re-enrolled in TRAC-IT and the IFSP was copied from the previous case to the current case, TRAC-IT checks for completed service-related contact notes before requiring an exit assessment or reason for no exit assessment. By including this check in the logic, children that are transferred but do not receive services in the receiving system will be excluded from the exit assessment requirements.

Enhancements – The following TRAC-IT enhancements have been identified as the next set of top priorities:

  • Add revision history to insurance entity
  • Print entire record
  • Print batches of contact notes
  • Add service coordination to Assign Services task
  • Users can delete Parent/Guardians from child’s record
  • Users can cancel Add Provider tasks when not needed
  • Automating transition notification and referral directly from TRAC-IT to DOE database

Since local systems using an EHR upload need significant advanced notice to work with their local EHR vendor on TRAC-IT changes, this next set of priorities was selected to avoid impacts on EHR uploads. While SSG works on this list of enhancements, state staff will work with SSG to analyze the EHR impacts of remaining enhancement requests and then with stakeholders to establish a schedule for releasing future changes/enhancements.

TRAC-IT Update 2024-08-22

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

Issue Impacting IFSP Print Templates:

There was an issue in production that impacted the PDF versions of some IFSP print templates generated between 6/21/24 and 8/21/24.  DOCX versions were being generated without issue, but in certain cases the PDF version was not successfully generated.  Specifically, the PDF got created without any contents so the file is present in TRAC-IT, but it cannot be opened/does not contain any information.

A fix was deployed last evening (8/21/24) to stop the issue from occurring moving forward. The next step is to address already impacted documents. SSG is targeting to have all impacted documents identified and regenerated in TRAC-IT by the middle of next week. No action is required on the part of local users. However, if you have a situation where an immediate fix is needed for a PDF version, the SSG Support Desk can assist you.

New Potentially Eligible for Part B Logic:

During the Compliance Indicators Monitoring and Verification (CIMV) process this summer, we identified increased noncompliance with the requirement to send transition notification to the Virginia Department of Education. In most cases, the local system and TRAC-IT users believed the notification was being automatically sent by the state office; but the user had forgotten to check the “Potentially eligible for Special Ed” box in TRAC-IT, which is one of the fields required for the notification to be sent. To avoid this issue moving forward, new logic has been built into TRAC-IT. Once this enhancement is deployed to production (scheduled for the evening of 8/23/24), users will be unable to enter a “no earlier than date” for the transition notification until the “Potentially eligible for Special Ed” box is checked. Instructional text will be provided on the screen as a reminder that this box must be checked. This logic has been built in only for users who directly enter data into TRAC-IT. It will be added later for those using an EHR upload.

Indicator 3 (Child Outcomes) Federal Report:

Updates to the Indicator 3 federal report were deployed on 8/13/24 to address enhancements requested by users. The enhancements include:

  • Adding the service coordinator’s name to the report for easier follow-up;
  • Ensuring exit scores are based on an assessment that occurred no more than 6 months prior to the child’s discharge from early intervention in order to be included; and
  • If the enrollment was re-enrolled and an IFSP carried forward, and no contact notes exist on the enrollment, OR contact notes exist but the Service Type or the note is Service Coordination, then the enrollment is excluded from the Detail Reports tab and the Detail Report for Excluded tab on the Indicator 03 report.


TRAC-IT Update 2024-08-02

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

Training on Additional Parent Portal Functionality – Training for local users on the additional parent portal functions (detailed in last week’s TRAC-IT email) will be Friday, September 6, 9:30 – 11:00 AM. You can register here:

New Transition Reason for Late Options – Three new options have been added to the reason for late dropdown menu for transition:

  • Lost contact with Family (<34 months)
  • Parent withdrew (<34 months)
  • Deceased (<34 months)

If users select one of these reasons for a child who is 34 months or over, they will receive an error message stating, “Please Send a different Transition Reason to discharge.”

Accurately using these reasons will be helpful in ensuring the Compliance Indicators Monitoring and Verification (CIMV) process is easier in future years since it will be clear that the transition plan, for instance, was not yet required to be developed when this child was discharged.

New Dashboard Tile – A new tile has been added on the Service Coordinator dashboard reflecting completed parent portal tasks.


TRAC-IT Update 2024-07-24

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

Additional Parent Portal Functionality Coming Soon – As indicated when the parent portal launched recently, parent access to view and sign additional forms through the portal will be coming soon. The ability to see and sign the following is expected to go live on September 16, 2024:

  • Initial EI Service Coordination Plan
  • Eligibility Determination
  • Family Cost Share Agreement
  • Notice and Consent for Assessment for Service Planning
  • Family Cost Share Fee Appeal
  • Temporary Family Cost Share Agreement

This functionality will work like that of the IFSP, IFSP Review and Addendum. Training will be scheduled for Friday, September 6.

Updated EMR Data Dictionary and Sample File – SSG recently reviewed the documentation related to EMR upload and testing and has provided some updates based on what has been observed and the feedback received during file testing. The following updated documents have been posted under Data Dictionary and EHR/EMR Documents on the TRAC-IT Documents page of our website: TRAC-IT Documents – ITCVA

  • Version 9 of the EMR Data Dictionary (CHANGES) – This is a “marked up” version. If the value changed in the Required column, the font is blue. Added rows and added descriptions are in green. No required fields have been added. Some fields that were previously labeled as required have been updated to conditional or not required because they are not required in all circumstances. Added information is included to better explain and address common questions that have arisen during file certification and testing. The Change Log tab of the document further describes the updates.
  • Version 9 of the EMR Data Dictionary (HIGHLIGHTED VERSION) – This is a “clean” version of the updated data dictionary and includes the yellow highlights for fields where placeholder data is allowed.
  • EMR Input File v8 – This version of the sample file has been updated to include all available fields & examples of all three types of contact notes.


TRAC-IT Update 2024-05-21

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

  • Medicaid Number Validation: TRAC-IT has been updated to minimize entry of invalid Medicaid numbers. TRAC-IT will now check to be sure it is a 12-digit number that contains no letters or symbols.
  • Managing Medicaid Insurance Records: State Part C staff, in consultation with SSG, have developed a graphic (attached) to help users manage Medicaid Insurance records in TRAC-IT.  This document is designed to address questions/confusion centered on when to uncheck the enrolled in the Medicaid EI Benefit box, when to edit an insurance record and when to end it. We hope you find it helpful.
  • Parent Portal: The initial version of the parent portal is still on track to be ready by the end of June. There will be more information on training for program staff (local system managers, service coordinators, etc.) and instructions for families as we get closer to that time and prior to opening the portal.

TRAC-IT Update 2024-03-29

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

The following updates have been deployed in TRAC-IT.

  • Timeliness of Services widget has been added to the local system manager and supervisor dashboards.
  • Ad hoc Reason for Late task has been enabled for the supervisor role
  • The Billing Extract- Service Coordination has been updated to include the Service Log ID
  • The Service Coordination Productivity Extract has been updated to include the Service Log ID and Service Type Code (will always be 12)

TRAC-IT Update 2024-03-07

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and tips:

New Filters for Provider Extract: New date filters for the provider extract will be deployed tonight. With this new feature, you will be able to run the provider extract by certification date, certification expiration date or license expiration date.

Desktop Authenticator App: SSG has released a new Quick Reference Card for use of a desktop authenticator app for TRAC-IT. As of 3/19, Authy will no longer support their desktop authenticator. Users can continue to use the Authy app on their personal devices, but the desktop version will no longer be available.

Medicaid FFS EMR/DIA: If a child’s Medicaid is FFS EMR/DIA, this type of Medicaid only covers dialysis and emergency treatment. We cannot add the EI benefit to this coverage. If the child has private insurance, do not add an insurance record with this Medicaid as secondary coverage. If this is the child’s only insurance, please list them as uninsured because, for EI reimbursement purposes, they have no coverage. If you wish to document the coverage, we offer the following suggestions. Document the FFS EMR/DIA:

  • On the family cost share;
  • In a contact note; or
  • Make note of this in the top section of the child’s information screen that is saved for “need to know”. Perhaps you could note: “Child has Medicaid type FFS EMR/DIA that DOES NOT cover EI services.”


Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

Reason for Late Ad hoc Task and Timeliness Dashboard Tile – Service coordinators have a new Timeliness dashboard tile, which provides a list of services that were added more than 40 days ago to the IFSP but do not have a completed contact note or timeliness reason entered in TRAC-IT. A companion “reason for late” ad hoc task has been added as well. Together these additions improve visibility to the timeliness of services and allow service coordinators to add a late reason as soon as the 30-day timeline is exceeded.

Transition Logic Errors – In continuing our work with SSG to clarify transition reason for late tasks at discharge, we have discovered two logic errors:

  • TRAC-IT is requiring a timeliness reason for VDOE notification even if the family opted out.
  • TRAC-IT is requiring a timeliness reason even when the box is checked indicating the family declined a conference.

SSG is working to correct this logic as quickly as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, please select family scheduling preference when discharging a child with these circumstances.

TRAC-IT Update 2024-02-16

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and tips.

New Insurance Carrier Names: The dropdown list of insurance carrier names has been updated to reflect the change from Medicaid Medallion 4.0 and CCC-Plus to Cardinal Care and to add a couple of other brand names based on user request. For the change to Cardinal Care, SSG automatically migrated on 2/8/24 the insurance brand names from the old ones to the new ones for children who were open and had that insurance active on or after 1/1/24.

New Data Dictionary: An updated Data Dictionary has been posted to the TRAC-IT section of our website. The updates include a handful of additional ICD-10 codes requested by users, the new insurance carrier names, and the recent label change related to the Family Contact/Attempted Family Contact (previously labeled just Family Contact) field.

New Personalized Reporting Feature Available: The new personalized reporting feature for the Client Extract will be available in TRAC-IT no later than next Tuesday night for those user roles that have access to the Client Extract. This will allow you to develop and run your own reports with the information you select from that extract. To find this new option, click on the Reporting tab and select Personalized Reports. A video tutorial on how to use the personalized reporting feature is available on the TRAC-IT Documents page of our website, TRAC-IT Documents — Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia ( You can contact the SSG Support Desk for additional assistance, if needed.

Transition Late Reasons at Discharge: At discharge, the screen indirectly prompts the user for reasons (by displaying “Reason for Late – Not Entered”) in many of the boxes. However, that doesn’t mean reasons are needed (or that the task in question was late). The only way to know for certain if late reason entries are needed is to try to complete the task. At that point, a warning prompt will indicate if any late reasons are needed. We are working with SSG to display some instructional text on the discharge screen explaining this, so users don’t spend time entering unnecessary data.