EI Certification Step-by-Step

Practitioners are early intervention!

When we talk about Virginia’s early intervention system—our network of programs and services stretching from the farthest corners of southwest Virginia to the sandiest stretches of the eastern shore—what we’re really talking about is you.

Every day in Virginia more than 1,000 early intervention service coordinators, therapists and program administrators contribute their time and expertise to improving the lives of infants and toddler with disabilities and their families. They are early intervention. You are early intervention!

…providers must be certified as Early Intervention Professionals or Early Intervention Specialists and/or as Early Intervention Case Managers. Virginia’s certification process ensures that providers are qualified within their disciplines and have the knowledge and competencies necessary to serve infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families prior to employment in the Virginia early intervention system.

Click on the menu items to learn more about specific requirements.

Step 1: Meet discipline-specific requirements

Meet the discipline-specific requirements for one of the disciplines that can provide services in the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia. A list of these disciplines and the qualifications for each are included in Chapter 12 of the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia Practice Manual.

Step 2: Complete required ITCVA certification courses

Complete the required Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia Early Intervention Certification courses, passing the competency test for each with at least 80% accuracy. The Early Intervention Certification courses can be found on the Early Intervention Professional Development website.

Step 3: Submit an online application

As part of the application process, practitioners must signify agreement with assurances on the application indicating that he/she has knowledge of and agrees to abide by the federal and state regulations and practices specified in the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia Practice Manual.

You must receive confirmation that your certification has been granted prior to providing or billing for services.

Click here to access the application.

Step 4: Meet Part C payor-of-last-resort requirements

Early intervention providers must participate in payor networks in order to meet the Part C payor of last resort requirement. You (if you are an independent practitioner) or your agency (if you are employed or contracted with an agency) must be enrolled with the Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) as an early intervention provider in order to bill Medicaid.

Click here for enrollment information.

Click here to learn more about the DMAS Early Intervention Services Program.