TRAC-IT Update 2023-10-19

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

An updated Data Dictionary, Schema, Response Schema, and Sample Input XML file have been released and are posted in the TRAC-IT Documents section of our website, TRAC-IT Documents — Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia ( The changes to these documents were driven by user feedback, and none of these changes represent new required fields.

Making goals on contact notes optional: Because matching goal statements on contact notes exactly to the goal statements on the IFSP in TRAC-IT posed a significant challenge to agencies attempting EHR uploads of contact notes, we have decided to make goals an optional field on contact notes. That means that contact notes uploaded from an EHR will be accepted even if they have no goal(s) or the goal provided does not match the wording on the IFSP. Goals also will be optional on contact notes for those directly entering contact notes in TRAC-IT. However, it’s very easy to include goals when directly entering a contact note in TRAC-IT since the goals are provided and the user can just check the one(s) worked on during the session.

  • Updates in Data Dictionary to row 225 for field name “progresses” – changed “Required on 12/11” to No
  • Removed error message “progress is required”

Adding new optional field Method on contact notes and corresponding value set Contact Note Method: This method field can be used to indicate how a person participated in an event (i.e., telehealth, phone, email, etc). This optional field was added to meet billing needs in some local systems.

  • New field noteMethodCode on Service Log, row 223 of the Data Dictionary
  • New value set in Value Sets tab
  • Field added to Schema and sample XML file

Re-adding Workaround as reason for late: Because contact notes are required in TRAC-IT beginning 12/11/23, we had removed Workaround as a choice in the reason for late start of service dropdown list. Recognizing that there might be some initial delays in entering/uploading contact notes as users adjust to full implementation, we have added Workaround back to the value set during this period of transition.

  • Update to “Reason If Late” value set in Value Sets tab

Adding a few more ICD 10 codes: A few more ICD 10 codes have been added based on local requests that came in through the Support Desk since the last update.

  • Added to ICD 10 code tab of the Data Dictionary

TRAC-IT Update 2023-10-12

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

As we move closer to releasing the updated fiscal/billing extracts in a few weeks and then fully implementing TRAC-IT’s required fields on December 11, 2023, we have identified a few steps you can take now to help ensure TRAC-IT users are set up for success and all enrollments have the necessary datapoints. In addition to attending the training sessions in November, you may wish to use this opportunity to familiarize your team with the upcoming changes and update any Standard Operating Procedures or processes your organization may have to facilitate a smoother transition in December.

User Set-Up Tips

  • If providers in your local system are not entering information in TRAC-IT at this time and will be doing so on December 11, 2023, we suggest getting the providers logging into TRAC-IT and getting used to entering information as soon as possible.
  • If a provider agency will be responsible for directly entering or completing an EHR upload of contact notes into TRAC-IT, the Local System must grant then access to each relevant enrollment using the Add Provider ad hoc task.

Enrollment Tips

Tip 1: Begin entering required fields ahead of time.

  • You may wish to consult v5 (2023-08-23) version of the Data Dictionary for a comprehensive list of fields that will be required as of December 11, 2023. See column E: Required 12/11/2023.
  • In preparation for December 11, 2023, Local Systems, Provider Agencies and Independent Contractors can begin entering required fields ahead of time.

Tip 2: Clean up data for existing records: Spoken and written language.

  • There are a few fields that can be updated any time using the Update Child / Guardian Information task in the ad hoc task list. These include Primary Spoken Language, Primary Written Language. Local Systems may wish to update existing enrollments with these fields to ensure data quality. The Client Extract can be a useful tool to identify enrollments that may be missing a Spoken or Written Language.

Tip 3: Clean up data for existing records: hearing and vision results.

Moving forward, hearing and vision results are required before the initial IFSP task can be completed. For existing enrollment records where a child has an IFSP or is already receiving services, and the child does not have a hearing or vision screening/result, the child’s record can be updated using the Hearing Screening and Vision Screening ad hoc tasks.

Tip 4: Clean up data for existing records: Race cannot be unknown children with IFSPs.

Another field that can be updated ahead of time is ‘Child Race’. As of December 11, 2023, a child’s race cannot be listed as Unknown once the child has an IFSP. As a data cleanup effort on existing enrollments where the child already has an IFSP developed, local systems can perform the following steps:

  • Pull Client Extract
  • Filter Status Column to see ‘IFSP’ and ‘Services’
  • THEN filter Child Race column for ‘Unknown’
  • Within each identified enrollment use the Update Child/Guardian Information ad hoc task, select the child’s race

Tip 5: Contact Notes will be required and are used to calculate Timeliness of IFSP Services.

Local systems and provider agencies can begin entering contact notes for events and services using the system generated tasks in TRAC-IT.

  • Entered contact notes will allow agencies to effectively utilize the billing extracts.
  • Contact notes are also used to determine timely start of services.

Note: For providers who are uploading contact notes as PDFs to the documents section, this will not satisfy the condition of entering contact notes starting December 11, 2023; nor will these notes meet timeliness checks for start of new services or be available in the billing extracts.

Fiscal Tips

Tip 6: Clean up insurance records.

Prior to December 11th a new insurance dashboard will be available that will flag enrollments with ambiguous or overlapping insurances. (Exact date will be communicated in a follow up email.)

  • Existing Insurance records should be checked to ensure ambiguous and overlapping insurances are rectified.
  • Users with the Insurance role can delete inaccurate insurance and add in correct insurance as appropriate.
  • Payer priority should be checked to ensure insurances are listed as Primary > Secondary > Tertiary accordingly.

Tip 7: Update health status questions (HSQ)/health status indicators.

For service coordination activities to be billable, the system will now check to ensure an HSQ has been completed for the child within the past 7 months. Please be sure to start capturing this information through the Health Status Question ad hoc task.

TRAC-IT Update 2023-10-04

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT Updates.

Phase II Implementation Training: Please use the links provided below to register for the training opportunities that apply to you as you continue planning for the December 11, 2023, Phase II implementation of TRAC-IT. Training will be conducted virtually. All trainings will be recorded for those who are unable to participate in the live event or wish to refer to the material later.

Enhancements – What’s New 

  • Certificate numbers on EI Certification print templates (since numbers can be needed for provider enrollment with DMAS) 
  • Text boxes have been made bigger on the contact note edit screen, so it is easier to see the full text and make edits.  
  • Expected to release tonight (10/4) – Ability to select the discipline of an event attendee when the practitioner has more than one discipline. 

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for Fiscal Enhancements: UAT for fiscal enhancements and the new billing extracts will take place the week of October 16 with these new features expected to launch soon after. 

Coming soon: Tips on getting ready for full implementation on December 11, including what you could be entering in TRAC-IT now to make it easier to enter contact notes and use the billing extracts on December 11.

TRAC-IT 2023-09-21: Training Announcement

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

As you continue planning for the December 11, 2023 Phase II implementation of TRAC-IT, please note the following training opportunities and save these dates and times:

  • Fiscal Enhancements and Billing Extracts – October 26th 2-3pm
  • General Review of TRAC-IT (logging in, navigation, tasks, dashboards) – November 13th 2-3pm
  • Walk Through and Required Fields for Referral/Intake/Insurance – November 14th 2-3pm
  • Walk Through and Required Fields for Eligibility/Assessment – November 15th 2-3 pm
  • Walk Through and Required Fields for IFSP/Transition/Discharge – November 28th 2-3:30 pm
  • Walk Through and Required Fields for Contact Notes – November 29th 2-3 pm

Training will be conducted virtually, and registration information will be provided soon. All trainings will be recorded for those who are unable to participate in the live event or wish to refer to the material later.

Please also note that the Sandbox will be updated on the morning of November 13 to reflect the fields that will be required on December 11. This will allow users to become familiar with the system and new requirements and to practice what they learn in the training sessions.


TRAC-IT Update 2023-09-14

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

I only have a couple of brief TRAC-IT updates this week.:

  • The system upgrade to version 23.1 was completed successfully last night in the live TRAC-IT system.
  • The sandbox environment will undergo the same upgrade on Friday, 9/15, and will be unavailable from 8 AM – 4 PM that day.


TRAC-IT Update 2023-09-08

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.

Enhancements: What’s New – In preparation for the enhanced billing extracts, TRAC-IT now allows users to enter and save multiple billing numbers. These are the billing numbers assigned and used by an organization serving that child. Since multiple agencies might be providing services for one child, this allows TRAC-IT to capture all relevant billing numbers. The TRAC-IT User Manual has been updated to reflect this change and provide instructions for entering billing numbers.

Enhancements: Coming Soon

  • Certificate numbers on EI Certification print templates (since numbers can be needed for provider enrollment with DMAS)
  • Ability to edit event dates on event tasks for all tasks except Assessment for Service Planning (coming later)

Referral Outcomes by Referral Source Report – The error in how children who “will receive services” were pulling to this report has been corrected. The report is available in TRAC-IT and working properly.

TRAC-IT Platform Update – The technology platform for TRAC-IT will be updated to version 23.1 on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. This update will occur outside of business hours, and there is a message in the banner of TRAC-IT alerting users that the system will be unavailable from 8PM – 12AM on that date. For more information about this update, please see the 8/23/23 TRAC-IT email.

Storage – Since this was a topic in a recent regional meeting, I want to assure you that we will not run out of storage in TRAC-IT for data fields or uploaded documents. SSG uses modern cloud architecture with robust redundancy, auto-scaling, and virtually unlimited cloud storage. They have automatic monitoring and alerts in place to notify them of any need to scale up storage.


TRAC-IT Update 2023-08-23

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.

Reminder about PII – Please do not send personally identifiable information (PII), like the child’s name, when communicating with the Support Desk.

Enhancements: What’s New 

  • The following have been added to the dropdown list of service coordination activities:
    • Facilitating initial IFSP meeting 
    • Facilitating annual IFSP meeting 
  • You can now indicate if a service coordination activity was …
    • A family contact 
    • Conducted with the child present 
    • Not billable 

Enhancements: Coming Soon – You will be able to edit event dates on event tasks for all tasks except Assessment for Service Planning (coming later) 

Referral Outcomes by Referral Source Report – There is an error in how children who “will receive services” are pulling to this report. SSG is working to correct the report logic, and we expect the report will be fixed by next week. 

TRAC-IT Platform Update – TRAC-IT runs on a technology platform called Casetivity, and SSG plans to deploy a new release soon (similar to how our cellphones get updates). Casetivity 23.1 brings a variety of features together that improve end user experience and set the stage for future capabilities. One update includes easier search/data entry with type-ahead and field editing abilities. An end user will need less time to find or enter data in structured fields (such as drop-downs). Improved cascading merge logic allows for better deduplication. Casetivity 23.1 also includes important bug fixes and regular security updates. This update will occur outside of business hours, and there will be a message in the banner of TRAC-IT alerting users a few days before this update will occur. 

Updated Data Dictionary – SSG has provided an updated Data Dictionary to align the field names to the schema names and to add a new tab that outlines the schema’s entity relationships. These changes are to assist those building EHR uploads in referencing information across documents. There is no change to required fields or any other aspect of TRAC-IT. The updated Data Dictionary has been posted to the TRAC-IT documents section of our website: TRAC-IT Documents — Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia ( 

TRAC-IT Update 2023-07-27

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

This TRAC-IT update includes a user tip and some enhancement updates.

User Tip: Intake and IFSP Fields – The Support Desk has received some recent questions/concerns about IFSP information being overwritten. The issue occurs when these steps happen in this order:

  1. The Initial IFSP Meeting and Intake tasks are open and available at the same time.
  2. User enters information in the Initial IFSP task in the same fields the Intake task will populate when completed and SAVES the IFSP Meeting task.
  3. User completes the Intake Visit task, leaving these fields blank:
  4. The information in the IFSP is overwritten by these blank fields

To avoid this situation, users should really enter this information in the Intake Visit task vs directly into the IFSP for a couple of reasons:

  1. TRAC-IT is expecting the Intake Visit task to be completed before the IFSP task – so the information entered in the Intake will overwrite the fields in the IFSP.
  2. The information from the Intake visit will populate into the IFSP so users will not need to double enter information. You do not need to have complete information in these areas at Intake. You can just take some relevant notes from parent report or observation during the Intake visit. That information then can be added to, edited, etc. at the IFSP meeting.
  3. When leaving these fields blank, TRAC-IT does not populate the Intake Visit print template or electronic copy of the intake with any information.


  • Later this week – The dropdown menu for service coordination activity will include two new options:
    • Facilitating initial IFSP meeting
    • Facilitating annual IFSP meeting
  • Coming soon –
    • You will be able to edit event dates on the event tasks
    • You will be able to indicate if a service coordination activity was …
      • a family contact
      • conducted with the child present
      • not billable.

These new fields for service coordination notes will help us get ready for the enhanced billing extracts that are coming in the fall.

TRAC-IT Update 2023-07-20

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.

User Education Hours (Tips and Tricks Webinars): SSG held the second of three summer office hours yesterday.  If you were unable to participate live in either of the first two, you can find the recordings and written Q&As from each here. The final session will be August 22, 2:30 – 3:30, and will include a presentation on common questions to the Support Desk related to the IFSP. If you already registered for a previous session, you are automatically registered for the August 22 session and do not need to re-register. If you have not registered, here is the registration link for the upcoming session.

Enhancements and Fixes: Now that the required fields have been developed and tested for implementation on December 11, 2023, SSG is working with us to address bug fixes and requested enhancements. We have categorized enhancements into three tiers: ASAP, by December 11, and after December 11. This is the order in which SSG will review the enhancement and scope the work and cost involved so state staff can make final decisions about what can be accomplished and when within the budgeted funds. As promised, we will not implement any changes that impact required fields for EHR uploads prior to December 11, 2023.

Here are the enhancements and fixes that have been deployed since the last TRAC-IT update:

  • Added the option for a user to delete an Insurance Record
  • Made the Manage ICD-10 Code ad hoc task available any time after the referral has been completed 

Fixes will be deployed tomorrow night (July 21) to address the following issues identified by users:

  • Selected Goals not displayed on Contact Note Print Template
  • Service Length should not prefill with 60 minutes (contact notes)
  • Errors on Spanish Confirmation of IFSP  

The next set of enhancements planned include the following:

  • Adding a date range parameter on the Child Extract
  • Updating the text box display for the contact note narrative summary to be much larger so full paragraph write-ups are more easily edited
  • Adding Provider Agency Managers to those who receive expiring certification notifications for their staff  

TRAC-IT User Manual: SSG has added a Change Log to the TRAC-IT User Manual so you can easily see what changes were made, where in the manual and when. You can find the change log right after the Table of Contents. 

TRAC-IT Update 2023-07-06

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.

Referral Outcome by Referral Source Report: SSG has made a few updates to this report, and the revised version is now available in TRAC-IT.

New Pre-IFSP Discharge Reasons: In conjunction with revising the Referral Outcome by Referral Source report, two new discharge reason options have been added for children who exit before having an IFSP:

  • Exit at Age 3 – Late Referral to Part C
  • Eligible/Family Moved

Electronic Signature Checkbox Added: As we begin deploying some of the requested enhancements to TRAC-IT, we have added a checkbox to use when having the parent “sign” consent in TRAC-IT. The new checkbox includes the statement, “I understand that by typing my name and clicking on this box, I am electronically signing this document.”

TRAC-IT User Manual Updated: As changes and enhancements are made, the TRAC-IT User Manual is updated. Quick Reference Cards also are updated accordingly. The current versions are always available in TRAC-IT.

Summer User Education Hours: Following the first User Education Hour, SSG clarified that if you already registered for the first session you are automatically registered for subsequent sessions and do not need to re-register. There are two sessions remaining, on July 19 and August 22. If you have not registered, here is the registration link for the upcoming sessions.