TRAC-IT Update 2023-06-23

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

Changes to Address Optima and Virginia Premier Merger: To address the merger transition period, the two Virginia Premier insurance options in TRAC-IT have been renamed to say Virginia Premier/Optima-VP to reflect the upcoming change. There is nothing that you need to do at this time in TRAC-IT to change over Virginia Premier insurance records to Optima. Additional details to address the final merger will be shared later in the year.

Initial Visit Changed to Intake: One the service type options in TRAC-IT was “initial visit.” After some recent conversations with users, we realized that some people were thinking “initial visit” meant the first session of an IFSP service when it was actually intended in TRAC-IT to mean the intake visit. To address this confusion, SSG has change the dropdown selection to read “Intake.” That change has been deployed. If you have selected “initial visit” for a first service session, you can correct that by editing the Contact Note and changing the service type to reflect the service provided. You can contact the Support Desk to make sure the service is then marked as timely and ask them to cancel the timeliness task if needed. We apologize for the confusion.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT on the full set of required fields and validations that will be implemented on December 11, 2023, has been completed. Local and state users executed 34 test scripts to test the new functionality to be sure it is working as intended. One bug/defect was identified, and SSG is correcting that one validation.

EHR Testing Environment Opened: The EHR File Testing and Certification environment has opened, and local agencies that indicated their intent to pursue an EHR upload into TRAC-IT may begin testing their import files.

TRAC-IT Update 2023-06-07

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders.

  • Reminder: Ensuring Medicaid Enrollment and Billing – When a service coordinator completes an intake and the family declines to move forward, Medicaid can be billed for the intake if the Initial Service Coordination plan was completed. To ensure the child populates to the Medicaid enrollment report, which state staff use to enroll the child in the Medicaid-EI benefit, please make sure you complete the discharge correctly. When you select Discharge from the Intake Visit task, the intake visit information is NOT stored. If the Intake occurred, you should click COMPLETE and then discharge from the next open task. By clicking Discharge on any task, you are indicating that the event did not occur and you need to discharge. This situation is explained on page 4 in the Discharge Quick Reference Card:
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – UAT will take place later this week and next week on the full set of required fields and validations that will be implemented on December 11, 2023. Local and state users will test the new functionality to be sure it is working as intended. This step will then allow agencies that are pursuing an EHR upload to begin preparing and testing their upload files to be ready for implementation in December.

TRAC-IT Update 2023-05-26

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

This email is relevant to those agencies still planning to pursue an EHR upload. SSG has provided several updated documents, and these have been posted to the TRAC-IT documents section of our website:

  • Updated schema
  • Updated response schema
  • Updated input file
  • Updated Data Dictionary

In working through the schema files and ongoing development work (as well as some production support tickets that came in requesting new ICD-10 codes and languages), SSG had to make some minor updates to the data dictionary. SSG has indicated that there is nothing fundamentally different and no major impacts – these are just some clarifications that will help end users who use the data dictionary. The changes are listed below:

  1. Changed hsqDetail to hsq — There’s a limitation in our database we can’t end a table name with Detail so we had to rename this to hsq
  2. ConsentToAcesss on the Insurance Entity — This has to change from a Boolean to a Yes/No option
  3. We were missing the ProfessionalDiscipline options in the value set tab — Without this, a user would not know how to send this value
  4. Added these ICD-10 codes and languages to drop-down value sets
  • P91.821 Neonatal cerebral infarction, right side of brain
  • P91.822 Neonatal cerebral infarction, left side of brain
  • P91.823 Neonatal cerebral infarction, bilateral
  • P91.829 Neonatal cerebral infarction, unspecified side
  • A50.9 Congenital syphilis, unspecified
  • D70.0 Congenital agranulocytosis  
  • Language options: DARI, KURDISH

TRAC-IT Update 2023-05-11

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

This week’s TRAC-IT updates include information about EHR uploads, newly scheduled user education hours over the summer, updated timelines and Help Desk metrics from April.

User Education Hours – SSG will hold three User Education sessions over the summer to address common questions they receive and answer other questions you may have. These will be an excellent opportunity for veteran TRAC-IT users and newer users to increase their confidence as we move toward Phase II implementation in December. During each session, SSG will complete a walk-through of a task(s) in TRAC-IT that users often have questions about and then respond to questions on that or other topics. Session dates and times are as follows:

  • June 27, 2:30 – 3:30
  • July 19, 2:30-3:30
  • August 22, 2:30 – 3:30

You can register using this link and only need to register once to participate in all three sessions:

Those who register will email receive reminders before each session.

Updated Timelines – While the Phase II launch date of December 11, 2023, has not changed, some of the interim timelines have been adjusted and are reflected in this updated graphic.

EHR Upload Topics & Reminders

  • The May 2nd EHR Office Hour recording and Q&A, which includes questions received by the SSG EHR email box since the previous office hour, have been posted to our website at
  • Reminder: If you plan to pursue an EHR upload into TRAC-IT for December 11, 2023, please email no later than May 19th to confirm that your organization intends to participate.
  • Will this be the only opportunity for agencies to develop and test an EHR upload file? No. We will survey agencies again in January 2024 to determine who is interested in pursuing an EHR upload at that point and what their projected timeline is. Based on that information, we will identify another EHR file testing and certification window.

April Help Desk Metrics – Here are some snapshots of April Help Desk ticket topics and the latest 3-month trends.

TRAC-IT Update 2023-04-21

Local System Managers, Contract Providers and Independent Contractors: 

I hope you are enjoying spring and surviving the pollen. Please note the following TRAC-IT updates and reminders. 

Remember to Link Practitioners to Your Agency/Local System: For an individual practitioner to show on the Provider Extract, that practitioner must be affiliated/added to a local system or provider agency. If you are using TRAC-IT fully, you are less likely to forget this step since you must add practitioners to the local system or provider agency for them to be assigned services or access a child’s record. Since that is not required right now, some practitioners who are providing services have not been added to the local system or a provider agency in TRAC-IT. This becomes a problem when DBHDS uses the provider extract to populate the Medicaid Provider Roster for DMAS. Please take a moment to add practitioners to your agency or local system if you have not done so recently. If you need more information about how to do that, click on the Help button in TRAC-IT to access the User Manual section and Quick Reference Cards on User Management and Organization Management. 

Billing Extract Q&A: Questions and answers from the Enhanced Billing Extract webinar have been posted to our website to accompany the recording and PPT. You can find them here.

EHR Functionality Updates

Please plan to join office hours at the beginning of the hour since we will end each session when there are no further questions. 

  • Updated Data Dictionary and Code Freeze – We anticipate providing an updated EHR Data Dictionary early next week. At the point we provide that updated Data Dictionary, we will implement a code freeze on EHR-related fields. DBHDS will have discretion to make an exception if a blocker is discovered during testing or in the unlikely event of a new OSEP or Commonwealth mandate. DBHDS would work with the TRAC-IT EHR Committee to determine a workable solution should such a circumstance arise. The code freeze will be in place through the launch of Phase II in December 2023. Other, non-EHR fields could be updated through go-live, if needed. 


TRAC-IT Update 2023-04-12

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors: 

We have lots of TRAC-IT updates, tips and resources for you this week! 

Children Over Three: Data Clean-up  

Localities are reminded that all children should be discharged in TRAC-IT on or before their third birthday. Children who turn three and remain open in TRAC-IT populate to the locality’s dashboard in the “Children > 3 with Active Cases” tile. Local system managers and/or service coordinators should regularly review this dashboard tile to ensure that all children over age three are discharged within data entry timelines. (These children can also be identified via the Client Extract report; column J indicates the number of days that have passed since the child’s third birthday.) 

Ensure All Required Information Is Entered into TRAC-IT Before Discharge 

From the 02/10/2023 weekly TRAC-IT update:  Before discharging a child in TRAC-IT, please make sure all required information has been entered and is correct to ensure the child is correctly included on reports for your local system. This also ensures that the next local system has what is needed to move forward if the child comes back into Virginia’s early intervention system. 

 All required information includes the child’s most up to date IFSP services. Several localities have recently received transfer enrollments where the child’s services were not updated prior to discharge. When this happens, the only options available to resolve the issue, neither ideal, include: 

  • Holding an IFSP review to update the child’s service plan; or 
  • Asking the SSG help desk to modify the sending locality’s discharged enrollment.

EHR Upload Updates and Resources 

  • The TRAC-IT EHR Committee held its first meeting recently. Notes from this and future meetings will be posted to our website. You can find them under EMR Resources on the TRAC-IT Documents page (  
  • The first EHR Office Hour was held this week. The recording and a document with answers to questions asked during the office hour will be posted to the TRAC-IT Webinars page of our website soon. The next Office Hour will be in about two weeks, and we plan to share that and future dates with you shortly. Please plan to join office hours at the beginning of the hour since we will end each session when there are no further questions. 

Tips and Reminders about the Medicaid-EI Benefit in TRAC-IT 

Please see the attached PowerPoint to be sure you are entering information correctly in TRAC-IT to trigger timely enrollments and discharges for the Medicaid-EI benefit. 

Billing Extract Webinar: Recording and Slides Posted 

The Billing Extract webinar recording and slides are available here: A written Q&A document also will be posted soon to accompany the recording. 

Please Respond to the SSG Help Desk If/When Contacted 

To facilitate resolution of issues (often related to transfers between local systems), the SSG Help Desk may find it necessary to contact one (or more) localities for additional information and/or to request permission to modify data to successfully trigger re-enrollment logic. Please be responsive to these requests if/when they come in by acknowledging and replying to them as quickly as possible. 

TRAC-IT Update 2023-04-04

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors: 

Here are the latest TRAC-IT updates and tips.  

 Family Survey Method – During this year’s implementation of the family survey, we received a question about removing the family survey method in TRAC-IT for a family with safety concerns.  

 In TRAC-IT, all families are asked to provide a survey method preference: Email or post. This is a required field. When we ask an incoming family about their survey method preference, we should be explaining briefly what the survey is, when it will come (once a year) and why it is important. A family can always choose not to complete a survey once received. 

 Under some circumstances—chief among these, concerns related to a family’s safety and security—a family may request to not have their contact information shared for the purposes of receiving a family survey. In these instances, the following steps may be followed to remove the survey method preference that initially was required.  

To Remove Survey Method Preference 

  1. Select “Create Task +” 
  2. Select “Update Child/Guardian Information” 
  3. Select “Create” – This will create and open the task 
  4. Scroll down to Parents/Guardians 
  5. Click the arrow beside the parent/guardian name 
  6. Select “Edit” 
  7. Scroll down to Survey Method 
  8. Click the X to remove the method 
  9. Click “Save” 
  10. Click “Close” 
  11. Repeat steps 5-10, as needed, for other parents/guardians listed on the child’s record 
  12. Scroll up and click “Complete” – This will close the task 

For Agencies Considering EHR Upload – The Question & Answer document from the March 24th EHR Kickoff has been posted to our website at

Help Desks Statistics – Here are some snapshots of March Help Desk ticket topics and the latest 3-month trends: 

TRAC-IT Update 2023-03-28

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors: 

Here are the latest TRAC-IT updates and reminders. 

Billing Extract Webinar: April 5, 1:30 – 2:30 

Join us and SSG to get a preview and explanation of the enhanced TRAC-IT billing extracts that will be available in a few months. For some agencies, their final decision about pursuing an EHR upload will depend on the extent to which these billing extracts provide the data they need. Please forward this information to your billing staff if it will be helpful for them to see and hear the information firsthand. 

Link to register – 

Important Reminders about Transition Tasks in TRAC-IT 

  • Transition plans are required even if the family declines a transition conference. This requirement has not changed because of implementing TRAC-IT. 
  • You must hit the Complete button for TRAC-IT to record that a task/activity happened. When you first develop the transition plan in TRAC-IT, you must hit Complete for the date of the transition plan to be reflected accurately in the TRAC-IT transition reports. Hitting Save does not record a date.  If you need to go back to add information to the transition plan later, use the Create Task button, then select Update Transition Plan.  

EHR Kickoff and Documents 

  • If you missed the EHR Kickoff meeting last Friday or would like to review the information shared, you can access the recording and the PPT document here: 
  • Nine (9) documents, including updated Data Dictionary and other technical/support documents, that will be helpful to local agencies and EHR vendors also have been posted to our website: 
  • The EHR Support Desk is now open and accepting questions regarding the file certification process discussed during the webinar:  


The following presents an overview of work happening and projected timelines leading up to the December 11, 2023 launch of Phase 2: 


TRAC-IT Update 2023-03-07

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors: 

After some relatively quiet TRAC-IT weeks, I have several updates for you this week. 

Enhanced Billing Extracts

SSG continues to work with a small group of stakeholders to improve the billing extracts. We will be scheduling a webinar, most likely in early April, to show and explain the new extracts. User testing of the new fiscal components and extracts is expected to take place in May, with the enhanced extracts available in TRAC-IT in June. 

EHR Uploads

  • EHR Interest Survey – Thirty-eight (38) agencies, including 25 local lead agencies and 13 contract provider agencies, responded to the EHR Interest Survey. Of those, 28 agencies (17 local lead agencies and 11 contract provider agencies) indicated interest in pursuing an EHR upload. For some respondents, their final decision will depend on the enhanced billing extract. 
  • EHR Kick-Off Meeting – If you are considering using TRAC-IT’s EHR upload functionality, there will be a kick-off informational meeting on Friday, March 24, 2:00 – 3:30. Please save the date. A meeting link will be forthcoming. 
  • Data Dictionary – An updated Data Dictionary will be provided during the EHR Kick-Off and posted to our website at that time. Most updates are related to fields required for the enhanced billing extracts.

Local System Managers

A new user role is available in TRAC-IT to provide additional access to federal reports, extracts and other reports. The Local System Reporting role can be assigned to users within the local lead agency. 

TRAC-IT Support Desk Metrics

Here are the latest three-month trend reports from the Support Desk. 

TRAC-IT Phase 2 Launch

Local System Managers:

I am pleased to announce that Phase 2 (full implementation) of TRAC-IT will launch on December 11, 2023. Beginning on that date, all required data must be entered either directly in TRAC-IT or through an electronic health record (EHR) upload.  Between now and December 11, there will be a number of activities happening to prepare for full implementation. We will be sharing additional dates and details soon, including milestones you can expect over the next 9-1/2 months.

I know that many of you are interested in details related to the EHR upload option. We have planned six months for EHR testing to make sure your upload files are working by December 11. Planning and support will begin well ahead of that testing period for those who are building EHR upload files. You also can expect to see details next month about the enhanced billing extracts, which will help you decide whether to pursue an EHR upload into TRAC-IT or use TRAC-IT as your primary early intervention record and extract the information you need for billing.

Thank you for your patience as we completed the administrative steps necessary to support this next phase of TRAC-IT implementation.
