TRAC-IT Update 2024-05-21

Local System Managers, Contract Agencies and Independent Contractors:

Please note the following TRAC-IT updates.

  • Medicaid Number Validation: TRAC-IT has been updated to minimize entry of invalid Medicaid numbers. TRAC-IT will now check to be sure it is a 12-digit number that contains no letters or symbols.
  • Managing Medicaid Insurance Records: State Part C staff, in consultation with SSG, have developed a graphic (attached) to help users manage Medicaid Insurance records in TRAC-IT.  This document is designed to address questions/confusion centered on when to uncheck the enrolled in the Medicaid EI Benefit box, when to edit an insurance record and when to end it. We hope you find it helpful.
  • Parent Portal: The initial version of the parent portal is still on track to be ready by the end of June. There will be more information on training for program staff (local system managers, service coordinators, etc.) and instructions for families as we get closer to that time and prior to opening the portal.