Periodic Oversight of Systems and Methods

Periodic oversight of systems and methods (POSM) is modeled on differentiated monitoring and support 2.0 (DMS 2.0) as conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), and provides a mechanism by which each of Virginia’s forty (40) LEIS receives a structured, in-depth review of local Part C implementation.

POSM is primarily conducted by the state’s Part C monitoring team following protocols developed to guide each local review. The protocols also allow for localities to prepare for POSM by placing a spotlight on monitoring priorities. Throughout this implementation cycle (2024-2029), the monitoring team anticipates revisions will be made as more is learned from each local POSM.

Protocol IDTitleCategoryLast Updated
R1-01Individualized Supports and ServicesChild & Family Outcomes2024-10-10
R1-02Service DeliveryChild & Family Outcomes2024-10-10
R1-03Public Awareness and Child FindAccess & Quality2024-10-10
R1-05Family Rights and Procedural SafeguardsAccess & Quality2024-10-10
R1-06System of Payments; Payor of Last ResortFiscal2024-10-10
R1-07Medicaid VerificationFiscal2024-10-10
R1-08Local Self-MonitoringAdministration2024-10-10
R1-INTSample Interview QuestionsALL2024-10-10